Payroll can be complicated! Accuracy and timeliness are critical to making sure your employees are paid correctly, there is little room for error. Unfortunately, mistakes happen and the results usually take time and expense to…
Continue ReadingIn February, a three-judge Ninth Circuit panel revisited and struck down California’s ban on mandatory employment arbitration agreements, which was part of AB 51, enacted in 2019. This panel declared AB51 was preempted by the…
Continue ReadingLove is in the air, and what better way to start the day by focusing on the people you probably spend the most time with during the week, your employees. In today’s new work environment,…
Continue ReadingAs with just about anything in CA, there are rules to live by with regards to Sales Commission and Sales Compensation plans. Although the law detailed in Labor Code Section 2751 has been on the…
Continue ReadingMost employment problems can be traced back to simple employment actions, errors in written or verbal communication, or failure to ensure employees receive all that they have rights to under CA and Federal Labor Law.…
Continue ReadingWhen your business is large enough to require a manager, or managers, the importance of training those managers in how to manage people effectively is critical to your business success.
Continue ReadingManaging employee performance makes up a significant portion of a business owner, or managers job, and that means dealing with poor performers and mediocrity in the workplace. This could be one of these most difficult…
Continue ReadingIs an economic downturn looming over our heads in 2023? Will there be layoffs, downsizing, reduced consumer spending or maybe more inflation? Who knows! No matter what direction the country heads, it’s certain there that…
Continue ReadingThere are several new employment laws for 2023 that affect California employers. We’ve compiled the highlights for this post but also are including below the link to our 2023 Labor Law Update webinar and the…
Continue ReadingThe spending binge on unemployment benefits for those that stayed home during and after the COVID pandemic has come to an end, but somebody needs to pick up the bill. Part of that bill will…
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