Hiring Minors

With the increased need for workers these days, minors becoming an option for employers and as a result, they are entering the workforce more frequently . With all the requirements from restriction on hours, work permits, and the new 2021, mandated reporter rules, it might be a good time to review.
Limitations for all minors:
- Cannot drive a motor vehicle on public streets and highways
- Can not work in hazardous occupations, such as ____
- Must be paid minimum wage in almost all circumstances. There are exceptions but we encourage employers to seek counsel before paying less than minimum wage.
14- & 15-year-old working hours:
- 3 hours per school day outside of school hours
- 8hours on non-school days
- 18 hours per week max
- 7:00 -7:00 during after Labor Day until June. Then June -Labor Day until 9 pm
16- & 17-year-old working hours:
- 4 hours a day on school day
- 8 hours on any non-school day or any day preceding a non-school day
- Can work up to 48 hours in a week
- 5:00 a.m. 10 pm. on school days and until 12:30 a.m. on days preceding a non-school day
California Child Labor Laws is a publication by the State of California that outlines restrictions on employing minors and the types of work and equipment minors are prohibited from doing and using and is available here.
Work Permits
Work permits are required each school year, for every employee under the age of 18 or still in school. The employer, employee and the school district all have sections on the forms to complete. Please contact Infinium HR Group for detailed forms and instructions.
- Statement of Intent to Employ Minor and Request for Work Permitare completed by the minor, employer and the parent/legal guardian.
- Form B1-4 Permit to Employ and Workis issued by the minor’s school.
Mandated Reporter 2021
New in 2021 is a mandate that requires employers who employ minors to report any type of abuse or neglect to the authorities. AB 1963 applies to employers with five or more employees and employing minors, and managers/supervisors and Human Resources are now considered “mandated reporters” under the law:
- “Human resource employees
- Any manager or supervisor responsible for supervision of minors’ duties in the workplace.
Supervisors’ reporting obligations are limited to instances of sexual abuse; however, HR employees must report all types of child abuse and neglect.
Training Requirements
Mandated reporters must receive training in both identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect.
The training requirement may be met by completing the general online training for mandated reporters offered by the Office of Child Abuse Prevention in the California Department of Social Services.
Employers with five or more employees should visit this website for more information on reporting requirements and forms. https://mandatedreporterca.com/about/faq