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Motivating Employees

Do Your Managers Possess These 5 Key Leadership Skills?

Do your managers possess these top 5 leadership qualities?

Being an effective manager requires an understanding of and a devotion to people development. A good manager or business owner makes the clear transition from employee and begins to develop specific skills that grow a team, a department, and a business. Are you as a business owner, or your managers, fulfilling the role of a…

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Are Annual Performance Reviews Still “A Thing”?

Are annual employee reviews still a thing?

It used to be that companies held annual reviews toward the end of the year. With that usually came raises or promotions or anything that may have come as a result of those performance reviews. The question is today, is that still a good idea? There are two trains of thought on this issue, one…

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Show Some Love to Your Employees

Love is in the air, and what better way to start the day by focusing on the people you probably spend the most time with during the week, your employees. In today’s new work environment, it’s becoming more and more apparent that employees need more than just a paycheck to thrive and be their best.…

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