Are Your Employees Trained in Harassment Prevention?

As you know by now, as a result of SB 1343 the State of California requires that all employers with more than 5 employees to provide Sexual Harassment Prevention Training by video or live in person at least 2 hours of training to all supervisory employees and at least one hour to all non-supervisory employees every 2 years.
Why is this so important?
Many Reasons, including compliance, liability protection and to help make your workplace a better environment for everyone.
Over the last few years, we’ve seen more and more issues related to hostile work environment, bullying and harassment. When times are tough, employee situations can quickly become volatile. It’s critical that you ensure all employees have gone through training and understand what constitutes inappropriate behavior and how it can affect co-workers.
Requirements for Employers
To recap SB 1343, California law requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide training to its supervisory and nonsupervisory employees on sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention every two years. Non-Supervisory employees must receive at least one hour of training and supervisory employees must receive at least two hours of training.
Infinium HR Resources
At Infinium, we provide the means to train your employees how to identify and prevent harassment, bullying and hostile work environment, create a more positive environment, and how to avoid being a victim of someone else’s bad behavior. Our online course is available at no cost to our Payroll and HR Clients.
Tracking Expiration
For our Payroll clients, we can now establish the means for you to upload an employee’s completion certificate and track the expiration so you can ensure they stay up to date with the training requirement. We’ll set the system up, you’ll just need to retrieve the completion certificate from the employee and upload it to their employee file, the reminder will set automatically. We will charge a nominal fee of $25 to set up the process and workflows.
We’re here to help you comply with California’s complex HR laws and it’s always our goal to automate as much of the process of compliance as possible.
If you have any questions, or feel you need to act now or spend money to do this, please contact us at and we’ll do our best to ease your anxiety.