How to Differentiate Sick Call-Outs During COVID-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is an ever-evolving situation and the guidelines surrounding the workplace are ever changing. Rest assured that the Infinium HR Group will stay informed of all CDC, OSHA and County Health Department guidelines and recommendations. However, for Infinium to best assist our clients, we will ask that the clients contact us for the latest information pertaining to their company’s current situation.
As we progress through this pandemic, and in the middle of allergy season, it’s likely that one or more of your employees will call out sick, or experience some form of symptoms related to COVID-19, hopefully not the actual virus. Its always possible that an employee’s symptoms are COVID-19 related, so here are steps to take when employees calls out sick for an illness:
If an employee calls out sick:
You may ask the employee if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, provided that the information is maintained as a confidential medical record. Currently these symptoms include, for example, fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, or sore throat.
- If the answer is yes, confirm the employee is going to see the doctor. The employee should NOT come to work until they have clearance. They may be eligible for COVID-19 Sick Pay under the FFCRA. Please use our FFCRA Sick Leave Request Form.
- If no, treat the absence as an other absence according to Sick Pay rules.
Before employees return from an illness, during this pandemic, you may require the employee returning to work to provide a doctor’s note stating they are fit for duty.
Protecting your other employees:
There is specific OSHA guidance that mandates that employers conduct a “mini-investigation” to determine if a COVID-19 case is work related. Additionally, there is specific guidance on how to ensure other employees do not become infected and how to best disinfect your workplace.
The guidance is complicated and specific to each situation. If you have a verified COVID-19 situation, we recommend that you contact our HR pros so we can understand the particulars of your specific circumstance.
In all situations, to not only protect the employee’s privacy, but to prevent any repercussions in your workplace, Employers should ONLY make fellow employees aware of possible exposure when warranted, and always retain the identity of employee as best as possible to limit possible discrimination.
Again, the HR Pros at Infinium HR are here to help, please don’t hesitate to contact us.