Show Some Love to Your Employees

Love is in the air, and what better way to start the day by focusing on the people you probably spend the most time with during the week, your employees.
In today’s new work environment, it’s becoming more and more apparent that employees need more than just a paycheck to thrive and be their best. Appreciation, feeling valued, understanding their place in your business and being able to have a life outside the workplace are all important factors.
Just like anyone close to us, they want to feel important, maybe even loved.
Here are 7 simple ways for business owners and leaders to show some love to your employees this Valentine’s Day:
Be Personable and Personal
Who wants to be around a grump all day? Who wants to give their best to someone who cares little about anyone but themselves? It’s not just about you! Be personable and be personal with your employees, within reason of course. Make an effort to understand their aspirations, career plans, how their family is affected by their job, good or bad. Doing this will help them know you care.
Be Available and Transparent
We hear much about being present, and sometimes it’s difficult with so much going on in our own lives. But being a good leader requires a deliberate effort, just like in our personal relationships. Be sure to take moments out of the day to connect with your employees, talk about issues that matter to them. Master the art of listening and being open with your employees and their concerns.
Show Flexibility
There is a new vibe in the workplace today, employees realize that no job is worth draining every ounce of their energy and wellness. You can positively affect your employee’s wellness by being flexible and accommodating so they can live their lives. It’s counter-intuitive because it might seem like it will reduce their productivity or time on the job, but an employee who can live their life is a much more effective and productive employee.
Make Your Workplace Fun
You’ve heard before, “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”. That is also true in the workplace. Be creative and be sure to inject fun on a regular basis. Whether it’s after a tough project is complete, or simply because it’s Tuesday, invest time and even money into pure fun. Lunches, games, contests, wine pairings (talk to HR first), or whatever your employees would find interest in.
Show Appreciation Through Trust
Everyone knows that people thrive when they feel appreciated. One of the best ways to show appreciation to your employees is to show them that you trust them. Employees look up to you or your managers, whether you realize it or not, and giving them the freedom to be their best will mean a lot to them. Nothing more matters to them when their leaders show trust in their abilities and give them wings to fly.
Do the Little Things
Little things matter, it’s not always about quantity. It only takes a minute to shoot out a quick email with a note of appreciation, maybe a public shout out, or a mention that a tough deadline was reached by someone. Just like those in our personal lives, doing the little things shows people that you are thinking about them, and they won’t easily forget.
So, this Valentine’s day, don’t forget about your employees, they need love just like those in our personal lives. Help them thrive and feel valued and they in turn will give you their best.