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Posts Tagged ‘HR practices’

Are Annual Performance Reviews Still “A Thing”?

Are annual employee reviews still a thing?

It used to be that companies held annual reviews toward the end of the year. With that usually came raises or promotions or anything that may have come as a result of those performance reviews. The question is today, is that still a good idea? There are two trains of thought on this issue, one…

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Effective HR for Small Business

Small Business HR

Your every day practices can make a big difference Running a small business without a full time HR department is challenging, especially during a tight labor market where businesses may be short staffed. Larger businesses will always have an advantage over small businesses when it comes to HR management, but there are several ways to…

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on the mental health of people of all ages, and now more than ever it is critical to reducing the stigma around mental health struggles that commonly prevent individuals from seeking help.  Mental health does not only affect the home life but work as well. I wish…

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5 Reasons Small Business Employers Get Sued

Larger business may face a higher risk from employer liability issues, but because small businesses don’t have deep pockets and legal teams, they absorb a proportionally higher risk potential. Small businesses simply need to work harder to prevent legal issues related to employees. It’s easier than you think to stay out of court. With a…

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