Workplace HR Trends in 2022

As we close out another unprecedented year, we look to 2022 and what kinds of workplace trends small business owners should be thinking about.
With many businesses growing fast, labor short, and government still churning the Covid waters, it’s tough to predict what the year will look like, but we can already see trends happening now that will likely be part of the 2022 work environment.
Here are 6 trends that you will want to prepare for as we move into the new year.
Employee Retention
Most small businesses have already experienced higher turnover rates as the pandemic faded and employees went back to work. As wages increased, employees left their current jobs for better opportunities. This trend will continue.
As always, small business must contend with larger businesses and their ability to pay higher wages. It’s up to small business owners to create a better workplace environment that focuses on employee retention.
Hiring challenges aren’t likely to get any better in 2022, most businesses are experiencing jobs they can’t fill. Even though supplemental unemployment benefits have ended, the residual effect is still being felt. Wages are up and not everyone is eager to get back to work.
Think creatively when it comes to hiring. Can you find or reskill veterans for what you need? Recent high school and college graduates? Have you implemented a referral program with your existing employees? Spread your net wider to find the right people.
Employee Engagement
Whether it’s remote work, longer hours, short staff or just increased production, employees are working harder as the economy heats back up. These extra pressures require a process to engage with employees more often and more effectively.
The key is to make sure employees are not left in isolation, or in a position or situation where they are either overworked for too long or may not have all the tools and resources to get the job done. Be in tune with your employees.
HR Automation
As new labor laws are piled on the already massive stack of existing laws, it will become increasingly important to streamline your HR tasks to ensure compliance. Whether it’s onboarding, timekeeping, or performance evaluation, bringing them up to par with current technology will be important, even for the smallest of businesses.
Infinium has spent months getting ready to implement our updated payroll and HR platform and will spend considerable time and energy to help our small business clients streamline their HR in 2022.
Employee Training
With a limited labor pool, growth can be hampered by the simple fact that qualified employees will be difficult to find for the near-term future. Spending extra time training your existing staff, especially those that you’ve already invested in, can sometimes give you more bang for the buck than trying to find qualified people.
Whether it’s management, customer service, sales, or operational skills, identify where your staff is lacking and find or develop resources to train them. Employees will value this and your business will benefit.
Company Culture
Work is becoming more of a lifestyle choice for individuals, parents and especially the younger crowd coming up through the workforce. Creating a workplace culture where employees feel appreciated, challenged, and have quantifiable opportunities that fit their work/life balance, will yield back great dividends.
Try and see how your company looks to an employee, or a parent of small children, or someone just coming into the workforce with wide-eyed visions of a fulfilling career. Minor adjustments and forethought will help you create a company people want to work for, and with.
Healthy Workplaces
After 2 years of dealing with a pandemic, most people have been given a stark reality as to the dangers of simply being in close proximity to another. Employee concerns as well as potential hazards need to be addressed within reason to create an emotionally, physically, and psychologically healthy work environment.
Business owners must address the potential issues regarding safety, stress, burnout and creating a safe, inclusionary work environment.
Business owners and HR leaders who effectively recognize, prepare for, and address these challenges will help build a better workplace where everyone can benefit and employees will want to stay.
For more information or if you need help in addressing any of these challenges, please don’t hesitate to contact the HR pros at Infinium HR.